Please use the links below to view latest flood information from the Environment Agency.
Some areas of the Parish are occasionally likely to flood as a result of raised levels of the River Thames or Groundwater flooding. Bisham Parish Council has developed a new Flood Plan to provide help, advice and information for parishioners in advance of and during flood alerts and warnings.
Please click here to access a copy of the Summary Emergency Response Plan
Current Flood information (as below) is shown on Flood Boards at the following locations:
- On the Wall outside Marlow Rowing Club
- On the corner by Bisham School
- At the entrance to Temple Mill Island
The Flood plan has been developed in conjunction with adjoining parishes and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead under guidelines laid down by Central Government.
A Flood team structure has now been created under the Flood Warden for the Parish, comprising a Flood Coordinator and several Flood Marshals who live near all the parishes flood risk points. The Flood Marshals survey the risk points and report their findings to the coordinator and Warden, who pass this information to adjacent Parishes and to the RBWM, who coordinate actions with the emergency services, and the relevant armed forces. In times when flooding is possible the Flood Team changes the Flood Boards to “Alert”, if levels continue to rise and a warning is issued the Boards are changed to reflect this and a Flood Bronze Hub at Bisham Abbey is opened. This will be manned by the team and able to provide help and guidance to parishioners in liaison with RBWM on the telephone numbers below. When the Hub is open temporary Flood aids such as sand and bags will also be available, and the Team will be able to check on our vulnerable residents, providing local information to the emergency services. When a flood event is over the Hub is closed.
We would like to strongly encourage Parishioners to make use of the Bisham
Parish Council Website which will provide information:
- “Live” water levels of the Thames in our area and trends
- Copy of the Flood Plan explaining capabilities and giving detailed advice
- Emergency Telephone numbers for the Flood Hub so help and information can be provided
During a flood warning the Flood team will man emergency phones from 9am until 8pm and can provide information and help. The numbers are:
07769 302630 and 07769 302606
Please also see the links below for useful information regarding flooding.